Blur singer Damon Albarn says the government has ‘no empathy with the arts’
Blur singer Damon Albarn has accused the Government of having ‘no empathy with the arts’ and for focusing too much on football.
The 52 year-old, who is best known for songs ‘Country House,' and ‘The Universal,' said: “This present Government has no empathy with the arts whatsoever and sadly that is a really important part of British culture. It is an essential part of British culture,” he told the PA.
"We live in a pretty f****** miserable country at times and we need our arts to uplift us. It should be part of the prescription for our national health.
"Maybe a little less emphasis on the Premier League just running and a bit more love given to the arts would be a start because, I’m sorry, I love football as much as anybody else but football alone does not sustain my soul.”
Albarn, who is also part of the band Gorillaz, is set for a series of virtual concerts with the band on December 12-13.
The English Premier League 2020/21 season kick-started on September 12, and it was announced last week that fans would be allowed to return to stadiums in low-risk coronavirus areas.
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