22 January 2021

7 good reasons to not always have your camera on during a meeting

22 January 2021

Video calls are not universally loved.

Whether it’s the widespread tech issues, the camera tilt catching your pyjama bottoms, or the lighting making you look passive aggressive when really you’re just a bit bored, video calls were the darling of lockdown one, but have been steadily haemorrhaging admirers ever since.

Now a new study suggests keeping your camera on during calls could be bad for the environment as well as your reputation, thanks to “how internet data is stored and transferred.”

Here are some more perfectly professional reasons to switch off your webcam – at least for some of the time…

1. It protects your privacy

It may be that you don’t have a designated office, complete with abstract modern art, bookcases filled with reputable spines, and busts of former prime ministers. You may not want your unmade bed, unruly children, or post-shower partner casually sliding into frame, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

2. It stops you worrying about your appearance

For some, the worst part of a video call isn’t other people seeing you, it’s being able to see yourself. That bobbing head in the corner of your screen can easily dominate with its messy mop, tired eyes and crinkled collar. It may sound trivial, but when confronted with a live feed of your own face, it can be difficult to know how to arrange it.

You could turn off your facecam, but that might make you even more self-conscious, like standing in front of a mirror with your eyes shut.

3. It allows you to move around a bit

Studies have suggested workers should take ‘movement breaks’ every half hour, and, though we shudder to think it, there are video calls out there that far exceed that time frame. Off-screen you can stretch your legs and do laps round the table with no audible ill effects. On-screen it looks extremely weird.

4. It allows you to multitask

The corporate world is crammed with video calls that are either far too long, or render half their audience redundant after the first five minutes. You can either surreptitiously get on with some actual work, or sit there visibly glazing over while fantasising about your lunch.

5. It means you can behave normally

We’ve all seen them. The poor saps that get caught slipping on an icy path or picking their nose, and the footage ends up on YouTube under a title that includes the phrase ‘epic fail’. When you’re on camera you’re very aware you’re on camera, and your boss is on hand to make mental notes of even the most minor indiscretions.

6. It sets a precedent

To the bosses of the world, we ask this: Do you really want to set a precedent whereby next time you’re having a bad hair day, find an unexpected toddler at your elbow, or want to silently shake your fist in frustration, you can’t switch off your webcam for even a few seconds?

7. It’s just not necessary

It doesn’t really matter why you don’t always want your webcam on. Whatever your reasoning, worrying about it will almost certainly detract more from your work than a temporary timeout. Let’s be free to switch off.

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