Former Olympic athlete is Japan’s new Olympic Minister ahead of Tokyo 2020
Former athlete Seiko Hashimoto has been confirmed as Japan’s new Olympic Minister ahead of Tokyo 2020.
The 52-year-old was appointed to the role by Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
She will also be in charge of handling cyber security, gender equality and female empowerment.
Hashimoto competed in seven Olympic Games; three summer Games in cycling and four Winter Games in speed skating. She won bronze in the 1,500m speed skating at Albertville in 1992.
When her sporting career was coming to a close she moved into politics and now sits as an upper house lawmaker.
Speaking on cyber terrorism she said the aim is “to imagine the unimaginable and change the unpredictable into what we can predict and therefore do what we can to prevent it. That’s my approach to terrorism prevention.
“I believe proper communication and information sharing will lead to prevention and the Government has the responsibility to construct a comprehensive response plan.”
The Tokyo 2020 Summer Games will begin on July 24
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