29 June 2023

Cloudy with sunny spells in Birmingham, Thursday June 29

29 June 2023

Today will start with a mild morning, with scattered showers possible and the sun making occasional appearances amidst the clouds. As the day progresses, the afternoon will see a slight rise in warmth, peaking at 19°C. Cloud cover will persist, with a chance of scattered showers. In general, today’s conditions will be a mix of sun and clouds with the potential for some rainfall.

Tomorrow morning is expected to present very similar conditions to today, with a cool start to the day, the sky cloudy with sunny spells, and a possibility of scattered showers. The afternoon will bring a minor decrease in warmth compared to today, peaking at 17°C with cloud cover continuing and the chance of rain persisting.

For the next few days, expect a gentle warming trend with maximum levels reaching 22°C and dipping to a low of 13°C at the coolest. There will be a consistent pattern of cloudy skies with sunny spells and the possibility of scattered showers, a trend that is set to continue for the duration.

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