21 April 2023

6 ways to explain the coronation to kids and help them enjoy it

21 April 2023

Children in Britain have never experienced a coronation before, and are unlikely to have any idea what to expect when King Charles III is crowned – apart from, perhaps, the fact that a beautiful, glittering gold crown will be placed on his head.

There’s a lot more to it than that, of course, but you can’t expect kids – particularly young ones – to understand what’s going on. That said, you can explain it, and make the big day a fun learning experience for them, says an early years expert.

“It’s a chance for children and families to do something exciting and enjoyable, and to learn at the same time,” says Melanie Pilcher, quality and standards manager at the Early Years Alliance, a charity that supports the provision of high-quality care and learning for young children.

Depending on the age of the child, parents can explain the basics about how Charles will be anointed with holy oil, and handed an orb, coronation ring and sceptre, before being crowned with the solid gold jewel-encrusted St Edward’s Crown.

Parents, who themselves have no idea what’s going on, can easily find the facts on the internet and share them with their curious kids.

Coronations Explained for kids | Miss Ellis #KingCharlescoronation" width="525" height="295" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MPgpL1Y9zGQ?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen>[xdelx]

The best way to help kids enjoy the coronation is to use it as an opportunity to tap in to their own interests, explains Pilcher.

“Children will certainly have a grasp of occasion, so it’s about tapping into their lived experiences and what it means to them at home,” she says. “A lot of families will be planning events over the bank holiday weekend, and children may be going to street parties, so think about what’s happening in their lives. Follow their interests.”

Here’s what Pilcher suggests will help children understand, and enjoy, the coronation…

1. Talk to them about it

With so much national excitement and publicity surrounding the coronation, children will almost certainly be talking about it among themselves and to their parents, says Pilcher. “They won’t necessarily understand what’s going on, so there should be plenty of opportunities to talk about it,” she says.

2. Use pictures and storybooks

It can often be easier for young children to understand pictures and stories, rather than long-winded explanations from adults. So, Pilcher suggests parents tune in to what their little ones are asking about the coronation, and use books and pictures to help explain. “Who is King Charles? Show them photographs and books – there are lots of relevant storybooks out there aimed at children,” she points out.

3. Enhance understanding through role play

Any ‘regal’ dressing-up items you may have around the house can help young kids hold their own coronation ceremony. “Stock-up on robes, cloaks, crowns and jewellery, and tap in to what the children do with those,” Pilcher suggests.

“It’s a nice idea to go through what the coronation will look like, what happens on the day, and help children to act it out and role play.

“Make sure there are plenty of opportunities for them to use their imagination.”

4. Help them learn

As well as being a great opportunity to help little ones learn about kings and queens and a bit of basic history – such as who the King’s grandparents and great-grandparents were, etc – Pilcher explains that in the Early Years Foundation Stage children will be tapping in to knowledge and understanding of the world, and the coronation is a good way to start learning about that.

“Some children will remember we had a Queen and she died, and now we’ve got a King, and that’s when you can get those early history lessons in,” she says.

“Rather than remembering the specifics of the occasion, this is a chance for children to progress in all the areas of learning and development. It will help to build important connections in the brain,” she says.

5. Let them focus on what interests them

Although kids may watch crucial points in the ceremony, such as when the crown’s placed on Charles’ head. Pilcher warns: “Don’t expect them to sit for hours through all the pomp and ceremony.

“Some children will engage with it, because it’s going to be a bright and colourful event, but they’ll engage with the bits that interest them. For some, it will be the marching bands, the soldiers, and the uniforms, for others, it might be the horses and carriages, or the beautiful dresses and jewellery.”

6. Help them make memories

Pilcher says there’s no reason why three- or four-year-olds won’t remember the coronation, although she stresses we do remember very little at that age. “It depends on the individual child whether they remember what happens or not,” she explains.

“You can’t force those memories, but the more meaningful you make the occasion, the more the child is likely to remember.”

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