16 November 2023

Cameron visits Ukraine in new role as Foreign Secretary

16 November 2023

Lord David Cameron has assured Volodymyr Zelensky that Britain will support Ukraine for “however long it takes” as the new Foreign Secretary used his first overseas visit to go to Kyiv.

Ukraine’s president said he discussed the supply of weapons for forces fighting against the Russian invasion during his meeting with the former prime minister on the first day of a two-day trip.

In a video released by Kyiv, Lord Cameron sought to reassure Mr Zelensky over fears that attention has diverted from Ukraine to the war in the Middle East.

There are also concerns surrounding the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House and cutting off support for Ukraine.

Lord Cameron said: “We will continue to give you the moral support, the diplomatic support, the economic support, but above all the military support that you need – not just this year and next year, but for however long it takes.

“I had some disagreements with my friend Boris Johnson, we’ve known each other for 40 years, and his support for you was the finest thing that he and his governments did.”

We had a good meeting focused on weapons for the front line, strengthening air defence, and protecting our people and critical infrastructure. I am grateful to the UK for its support!

Lord Cameron was updated on Ukraine’s slow counter-offensive against Russia and held talks on Kyiv’s aspirations to join Nato.

Writing on social media, Mr Zelensky said: “We had a good meeting focused on weapons for the frontline, strengthening air defence, and protecting our people and critical infrastructure.

“I am grateful to the UK for its support!”

Former prime minister Lord Cameron became Foreign Secretary on Monday and the early visit to Ukraine was intended to demonstrate the UK’s continued support for the country.

His predecessor James Cleverly had been scheduled to make the visit before being moved to the Home Office in Monday’s reshuffle.

Lord Cameron also became the first British minister to visit Odesa since Russia’s invasion, travelling to the Black Sea port city as part of the trip.

It comes as efforts to restore the Black Sea grain initiative – which Russia withdrew from in July of this year – have so far failed to make progress.

The Foreign Secretary said: “Russia thinks it can wait this war out, and that the West will eventually turn its attention elsewhere.

“This could not be further from the truth.

“In my first discussions with President Zelensky in my new role, I made clear that the UK and our partners will support Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes for them to achieve victory.

“As winter approaches, we continue to stand with the Ukrainian people as they resist Putin’s illegal invasion.

“In the last three months, they have pushed Russia back in the Black Sea and are opening vital sea trade routes for the Ukrainian economy and global food supplies.”

The Foreign Secretary announced further financial support for people affected by the war in Ukraine.

The UK will provide £10 million to Ukraine’s Red Cross Society, £7 million to a consortium led by Nonviolent Peaceforce and £1.4 million to Mercy Corps.

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