15 November 2023

Cleverly once called Rwanda plan ‘batshit’, Yvette Cooper claims

15 November 2023

James Cleverly privately called the Rwanda plan “batshit”, Yvette Cooper has claimed.

The shadow home secretary suggested Mr Cleverly never personally believed in the plan as she questioned him in the Commons about what ministers will do now the Supreme Court has ruled it unlawful.

Ms Cooper told the Commons: “I don’t believe the new Home Secretary ever believed in the Rwanda plan. He distanced himself from it and his predecessor’s language on it.

“He may even on occasion have privately called it ‘batshit’.”

Following laughter from Labour MPs, she added: “But he and I agree, we need action to stop boat crossings that are undermining border security and putting lives at risk.

“We need a properly controlled and managed system for asylum and refugees.”

As Ms Cooper made the claim, the Home Secretary could be seen sitting on the Government benches with his head lowered.

Mr Cleverly did not directly respond to the claim from the Labour frontbencher when he later answered her questions.

He did, however, distance himself from calls from the Tory right for the UK to leave the European Convention on Human Rights, telling Stoke-on-Trent North MP Jonathan Gullis such a move was not “necessary” to control the UK’s borders.

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