27 February 2023

Man who died after being found unresponsive with woman in park named by police

27 February 2023

A man who was found unresponsive alongside a woman in a park and later died has been named by police.

David Bettison, known as Did, was found in a park off Ashburton Road, near Coalville, Leicestershire, shortly after 2am on Friday.

The 43-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene around an hour later, while the condition of the woman, who is in her 20s, has not been disclosed.

On Monday, Kyle Morley, 29, appeared at Leicester Magistrates’ Court charged with murder and attempted murder.

Morley, of St Bernard’s Road, Whitwick, Leicestershire, did not enter any pleas and was remanded in custody to appear at Leicester Crown Court, the Leicester Mercury said.

In a statement released by Leicestershire Police, Mr Bettison’s family said: “Everybody loved Did. He leaves a huge hole in our lives and no words can describe the heartache and endless cycle of disbelief we are trapped in.

There is no surprise at the hundreds of messages we have received from everyone that knew him, saying how kind, funny and special he really was.

“He was our beloved son, brother, dad, partner and friend. To never see his twinkling blue eyes, big grin and gait as he walked will mean our lives will never be the same again.

“There is no surprise at the hundreds of messages we have received from everyone that knew him, saying how kind, funny and special he really was.

“But we need justice and plead with anyone who has any information that can help us to find out who has destroyed our family to please contact the police.”

A woman, 23, who was arrested on suspicion of murder on Friday, has been released.

Detective Inspector Mark Parish from the East Midlands Special Operations Unit is the senior investigating officer.

He said: “Our investigation to establish how Mr Bettison sustained his injuries is continuing and my most sincere condolences go to his family and those who knew him at this time.

“Officers have been in the area of Ashburton Road carrying our further inquiries and I’d ask anyone with information or footage that could help our investigation – but who has not yet spoken to police – to come forward.

“Anything you’re able to provide could help.”

Police reiterated their call for anyone with information to contact the force online or by calling 101.

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