27 October 2021

Protester dressed as Boris Johnson sets fire to prop boat in Cop26 stunt

27 October 2021

A climate campaigner dressed up as Boris Johnson has set fire to a prop boat outside the Cop26 venue in protest against the use of fossil fuels.

The stunt was organised by Ocean Rebellion, an offshoot of climate change activist group Extinction Rebellion.

Wearing a false head designed to look like the Prime Minster, a protester set light to the sail of a small boat which had the words “Your Children’s Future” written on it.

One protester was dressed up as Boris Johnson for the stunt (Andrew Milligan/PA) (PA Wire)

The campaigners, including an “Oilhead” character with a petrol can mask, also burned stacks of fake money during the protest on the banks of the River Clyde in Glasgow, opposite the site of the upcoming Cop26 conference.

They said the scene “represents the UK Government’s total lack of purpose in combating catastrophic climate change, ocean acidification and biodiversity loss that will devastate all our futures and leave a dead ocean for future generations”.

Floss Stallard, a member of Ocean Rebellion, called for the Cambo oil field, situated west of Shetland, to be scrapped.

The protest was staged across the river from the Cop26 venue (Andrew Milligan/PA) (PA Wire)

She said: “The Cambo oil field is a continuation of bowing to fossil fuel industry pressure. We need to wean humanity off oil, not dig more wells.”

Ocean Rebellion was launched in August 2020, created by a small group active in Extinction Rebellion.

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