29 June 2023

Russia to be blocked from accessing UK legal advice in latest sanction

29 June 2023

Further sanctions have been unveiled against Russia as the UK announced a ban on Kremlin-linked individuals and businesses from accessing British legal expertise.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said a new law would be introduced on Thursday preventing UK lawyers from advising Russian companies on certain business deals in a move designed to thwart Moscow’s war machine in Ukraine from benefitting economically from world-leading legal knowledge.

Officials said the sanction could impact Russia’s ability to obtain legal advice on everything from trade deals between global corporations to international money lending.

Russia is highly dependent on western countries for legal expertise, according to the MoJ, with the UK previously exporting £56 million in legal services to Russian businesses every year.

The UK legal system underpins many international contracts and businesses, and we will no longer allow Russia to benefit from our knowledge and expertise

Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk said the sanction would “further isolate” Moscow on the world stage.

It is the latest step by the UK Government to punish Russian President Vladimir Putin – who faced an internal rebellion by the mercenary Wagner Group at the weekend – since the start of his invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

In total, £19 billion of UK-Russia trade has been wholly or partially sanctioned, based on 2021 trade flows, according to Government data.

Mr Chalk said: “The UK legal system underpins many international contracts and businesses, and we will no longer allow Russia to benefit from our knowledge and expertise.

“The Russian regime must be held to account for its violation of international law, and these sanctions are increasing the economic pressure to further isolate the Russian government from the rest of the world.”

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said: ”We continue to crack down on Russia’s war machine, hold Putin to account and make it harder for him to inflict suffering on the Ukrainian people.

“Today we are further strengthening the UK’s sanctions approach, increasing measures to block Russia from benefitting from UK legal expertise.

“The UK stands steadfast in our pledge to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.”

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