14 August 2023

Safety warning after teenager seen doing one-armed press-up on level crossing

14 August 2023

Footage of a teenager doing a one-armed press up on a level crossing and two boys putting stones on a track have been released by Network Rail to highlight “incredibly dangerous” misuse of crossings.

Covert cameras placed at level crossings in Worcestershire picked up examples of people not using the crossings properly, the railway company said, as safety teams vowed to visit the areas to warn walkers.

One clip, recorded on March 18, shows two boys placing ballast stones on the track so they are run over by trains.

Four days earlier, two dog walkers were caught rushing across the tracks eight seconds before a high-speed train passed.

On April 1, a dog walker was seen encouraging two dogs to sit on the tracks while another person took a photo of them.

Two days later, a man was seen pointing out the “pretty hills” in the distance while two young girls played on the tracks for more than a minute and a half.

On April 8, a teenager was caught on camera doing a press-up with one arm on the crossing as loud music plays.

On May 18, a primary school age boy on a scooter was spotted rushing over the crossing in front of an oncoming train which arrived seven seconds later.

Network Rail said nearly 50 cases of misuse have been reported by train drivers or caught on hidden cameras in Worcestershire and the West Midlands so far this year.

Alexandra France, Network Rail level crossing safety manager, said: “In so many of the incidents filmed, the difference of just a few seconds could have led to tragedy for those involved.

“I can’t downplay the danger they were in – with serious injury or worse a huge possibility.

“No matter how well you think you know a crossing, all users must obey the rules around using level crossings every time they use it. It just really isn’t worth the risk.”

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