07 August 2023

Woman believed to have been stabbed to death is named by police

07 August 2023

A 71-year-old woman who is believed to have been stabbed to death has been named by police.

Christine Emmerson died at a property in Kirk Close, West Ashby, Lincolnshire, on Thursday, Lincolnshire Police said.

The force said on Monday that formal identification had not yet taken place, but that it “believes” the victim to be Ms Emmerson, whose family are being supported by specialist officers.

Shaun Emmerson appeared at Lincoln Magistrates’ Court on Monday charged with Ms Emmerson’s murder and was remanded in custody.

Our thoughts remain with Christine’s family and friends and we’re doing all we can to support them at this difficult time

The 50-year-old, also of Kirk Close, will appear at Lincoln Crown Court on Tuesday.

Detective Inspector Adrian Czajkowski, the senior investigating officer from the East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU) said: “Our thoughts remain with Christine’s family and friends and we’re doing all we can to support them at this difficult time.”

Police said they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident, but Mr Czajkowski urged anyone with information that may help officers with their enquiries to contact police quoting incident 175 of August 3.

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