04 April 2023

Seven tourists killed in Himalayan avalanche

04 April 2023

An avalanche has swept away a group of tourists in the Himalayas in north-eastern India, killing at least seven and injuring 11.

Rescuers were searching for at least 30 others, army spokesman Mahendra Rawat said.

India’s Border Roads Organisation said the tourists were hit by the avalanche near the Nathu La mountain pass in Sikkim state. It said rescuers pulled 22 survivors from the snow and took them to hospital for treatment.

Video footage released by the Indian army showed rescuers digging through the snow to find the missing who were swept away by the avalanche on to a mountain slope.

Nathu La mountain pass is along the border with China and is a major tourist destination.

The ecologically sensitive Himalayan region, which has been severely affected by global warming, is prone to avalanches. Last year 27 trainee mountaineers were killed in an avalanche in the northern Uttarakhand region.

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