04 April 2023

All systems go for Corach Rambler, as Russell bids for more National acclaim

04 April 2023

Lucinda Russell could not be happier with Randox Grand National favourite Corach Rambler as the big day draws ever nearer.

The nine-year-old became just the fourth horse in history to win the Ultima Handicap at the Cheltenham Festival more than once, and he will head to Aintree officially 10lb ‘well-in’.

Russell stated at the beginning of the season this campaign revolved around two races and with the first box ticked, she is building him up for the second assignment with the help of partner and assistant, former champion jockey Peter Scudamore.

“The prep is going really well. He ran at Cheltenham in the middle of March and since then it was a matter of letting him recover,” said Russell.

“That was the first thing and then since it has been sort of winding him up again to Aintree.

“He is a very straightforward horse to deal with in one way, but in another way, Scu rides him every day so I don’t have total control over what work he does.

“But he is just coming to himself, he looks very fit and I am very pleased with his weight and stuff and it is just a case of getting him in the right mind space now.”

Russell, of course, has already entered the history books by providing Scotland with just its second win in the great race when One For Arthur galloped to success in 2017.

He died recently at the age of 14 after suffering colic, and the poignancy of that is not lost on the Kinross-based trainer.

“Yes, I mean it is poignant, I always say that the wins are not just for the horse’s own glory, but it is for everyone else around them. It would be lovely,” she said.

“I know that the Two Golf Widows who owned One For Arthur, they are very excited again about us having a runner in the National.

“It is just lovely, the support that we have from everyone. Arthur was funny, he really did become family and his owners are very good friends of ours now.

“Corach already is family because Scu rides him all the time, but it is nice and it means so much to us.”

Famously some of the biggest names in racing have never won the Grand National and Russell has not even dared to think about winning it twice.

She said: “Gosh, I haven’t really thought about it.

“I always said it wouldn’t change my life (winning the National) but it did change my life to start with.

“Crikey, can it change my life again? I don’t know.

“But it is just nice because I feel that I am the figurehead but actually it is the people who sort of do it all. There is a lot of people behind so it is not really just for me, it is for everyone else.”

Russell is more than doing her bit to keep racing in Scotland on the map, which given that means competing against the likes of Willie Mullins, Paul Nicholls, Gordon Elliott and Nicky Henderson on a regular basis is no mean feat.

“For this race, there is a lot of Irish horses in it. We have to do it all the time,” said Russell.

“When you get to the top level you are competing against top-level horses, where they get trained doesn’t make much of a difference to me.

“It is exciting taking them on but it is not overwhelming.

“Arthur really put us on the map when he won, and I think that got the interest in racing from people (in Scotland) who weren’t normally interested in the racing.

“I think that if Corach was to win it this year, it would certainly increase the attention we are getting in Scottish racing.”

One constant at the yard since One For Arthur’s success has been jockey Derek Fox, and he will once again take the reins with Russell full pf praise for his main attributes.

“He is just a fantastic person. He works here in the yard, he is in here every day,” she said.

“He knows the horses inside out. He is a tremendous horseman. He really gets the horses.

“He is very strong, very fit and he has got a racing brain that during the race he doesn’t panic. I think for races like the National and races at the top level you have to have someone who doesn’t see the red mist and Derek is supremely calm about things. It is great”.

Russell sadly lost her father this year, a main driving force behind her early days as a trainer.

“I always say about dad that I think everything we do is a tribute to him,” she said.

“When he was alive it was a tribute to him.

“He has passed away now but I think he would be proud of what we do and of course there is a lot of emotion to it. Really just the emotion of losing dad is overwhelming but the horses keep me pretty well grounded about things.”

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