12 June 2023

Sunny Monday starts the week in London

12 June 2023

Today, in the morning, patchy rain is possible, with the day's maximum reaching 30.6°C and the minimum around 16.8°C. There is an 83% chance of rain. In the afternoon, the skies will clear up, and it will be sunny with an average of 22.9°C.

Tomorrow morning, the skies will be clear with the day's minimum temperature at 16.1°C. As the day progresses, the afternoon will bring sunny conditions with a maximum of 28.1°C, and an average of 22.2°C.

In the next few days, the weather will remain sunny with consistent conditions. The maximum temperature will be around 25.3°C, the minimum around 14.1°C, and an average of 20°C during the day. Clear skies are expected throughout the day, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities.

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