25 July 2023

Today's weather in Glasgow

25 July 2023

Today will kick off on a cool note, with temperatures lingering around 8°C. It will be cloudy with sunny spells and there's a chance of scattered showers. As the day advances into the afternoon, the temperatures are expected to reach a high of 16°C. The conditions will remain the same, cloudy with sunny spells, with the likelihood of scattered showers persisting.

Tomorrow morning, the temperatures will be somewhat similar to today, hovering around 10°C. The conditions will also remain constant with cloudy spells and a chance of rain. However, the temperatures will rise in the afternoon, reaching a high of 18°C. For the rest of the day, the conditions are expected to remain the same, offering cloudy spells with scattered showers. The minimum temperature for the day will be 10°C, while the maximum will be 18°C.

Looking into the next few days, there seems to be a consistency in the weather pattern. The temperatures are expected to fluctuate between 10°C and 16°C. The mornings and afternoons will be cloudy, offering sunny spells and possible scattered showers.

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