20 August 2023

Today's weather in London

20 August 2023

The morning starts off on a cool note with temperatures around 16°C and a cloudy sky with some sunny spells. A light wind of approximately 5 mph can be expected. As the day progresses, the afternoon will reach a maximum temperature of around 26°C. The sky will remain cloudy but with more sunny spells, providing a nice balance of sun and shade without the chance of scattered showers.

Moving on to tomorrow, the morning will be slightly warmer than today, with temperatures around 16°C. This time, the sunrise will be accompanied by clear skies. By the afternoon, the temperature will rise to a high of 26°C. Just like today, we can look forward to a sunny day without any rain to interrupt any plans you might have outdoors.

As for the overall trend in the coming days, we expect similar conditions to persist. The mornings will typically start off around 16°C with clear skies. Maximum daytime temperatures will continue to hover around 26°C, offering warm and sunny afternoons. However, there is a possibility of scattered showers on the last day, so it would be wise to stay informed and adjust your plans accordingly.

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